Yoga for Sensory Processing Disorders

Yoga for Sensory Processing Disorders is a wonderful way to help bring individuals’ back into their bodies and helps them learn to breathe, regulating their arousal levels and allows their central nervous systems to relax.

Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition that exists when sensory signals don’t get organized into appropriate responses and an individual may exhibit clumsiness, poor motor skills and behaviour difficulties as a result of their sensory systems becoming over responsive to sensory input or under responsive so they want to seek out more.

Yoga for Sensory Processing Disorders supports body awareness, movement and self-regulation through the mind, body and breath helping individuals with dyspraxia, postural instability and sensory modulation difficulties.

Mel Campbell is an occupational therapist and yoga teacher and an advanced sensory integration practitioner who has worked extensively with children and young people with Sensory Processing Difficulties. She has created a Sensory Processing Yoga DVD which features four easy to follow yoga classes; Alerting, Calming, Motor Planning and Postural Stability as well as various Breathing Exercises and a Guided Relaxation. The DVD is available to buy here.

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