Yoga for Autism, ADHD, DCD, Dyspraxia, Motor or Postural Stability Difficulties
It was over 5 years ago now that I first began my training to become a sensory integration practitioner to specialise in my field working with children and young people who have sensory processing difficulties as an Occupational Therapist.
As an Occupational Therapist I have always been thirsty to learn about neuroscience, and I distinctly remember the moment when I sensed my pathways as an OT and my passion for yoga converge.
I was working with a young person with a diagnosis of autism and known sensory processing difficulties. This young man had difficulties filtering, processing or organisation sensations from his body or and the environment, in order that he can respond through his, actions or behaviour in an appropriate and effective manner and would often show this through his behaviour; shouting, running and hitting out. He was highly anxious and showing signs of flight, fight and freeze. Having been on my sensory integration course, I realised that he was showing signs of sensory modulation difficulties, he was over loaded with sensory information and in a heightened sense of alertness.
Through my knowledge of sensory integration I knew he needed some deep pressure as a Yoga teacher my pull was through the breath. So we sat on a bean bag, this provided some deep pressure through the tactile and proprioceptive sensory systems and together practised some rhythmical breathing to help him become more regulated. Using his hand a visual aid we traced the fingers of one hand with the other, as he breathed in he traced his finger up his thumb as he breathed out he travelled down his thumb and went up and down the rest of his fingers. We repeated this with his other hand. Slowly his breathing became more regulated and he was calmer.
Have a go and let me know how this makes you feel!
Using his hand and fingers provided him with a visual guide to help him stayed focussed on his breath.
Yoga for Autism, ADHD, DCD, Dyspraxia, Motor or Postural Stability Difficulties.
Buy my Sensory Processing Yoga DVD here.
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