Yoga for pregnancy: Feeling Radiant

Feeling Radiant

I am a beautiful pregnant woman

The following excerpt has been adapted from my book The Yoga of Pregnancy from week 22.

As a woman I carry compassion, kindness, power and beauty within me. In my practice this week I will reaffirm these qualities and enjoy feeling radiant.

Even though your organs are now formed and functioning, your brain is still developing.

Your sense of touch is perfecting itself and you have fun feeling and exploring the texture of your skin, body parts and your favourite toy, the umbilical cord.

Tastebuds have appeared on your tongue and your baby teeth are like hidden jewels beneath your gums.

As you grow, my little one, so do I. My uterus is stretching and feels uncomfortable and itchy – I use natural aloe vera to help alleviate this – and even my belly button is popping out now. Not to worry though, I’ve been told that it is likely to revert to being an inny after your birth-day.

I do feel radiant though. My cheeks feel flushed, my face is beaming, my hair gleaming – together we are blossoming!


Sitting quietly I will bring my hands together in front of my heart.
Closing my eyes I will look within myself
and feel my heart beat from the inside.
I will visualize the golden glow shining from my heart
beaming out in all directions, in all dimensions.
I will share this light generously with everyone I meet this week,
and I will share it with you.


Glowing from the blooming stage of my pregnancy I expressed my inner and outer beauty in this practice, which left me feeling radiant.


yoga for pregnancy from

Yoga for pregnancy: Goddess Pose