Book Review: The Yoga of Pregnancy

Internationally renowned yoga teacher Mel Campbell shares her yogic training, personal wisdom, and experience giving birth to three beautiful daughters in one gorgeous book. This stunning guide is designed to assist the prenatal yogini through her pregnancy with week-by-week chapters designed to integrate mother and baby-to-be on every level: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Each chapter features an asana, an affirmation, an intention, a pranayama (breathing exercise), and a reflection. A radiant and very flexible Campbell, who appears to be in her final trimester, demonstrates the asanas with appropriate prenatal modifications. Her meditative tone joins Mother closer to Child and Spirit, mirroring the way yoga joins the mind and body to the breath. Campbell combines medical information about the developing fetus and hormonal changes of the mother-to-be as they relate to and are improved by yoga and breath work, which lower the stress of the maternal body.

The Yoga of Pregnancy Week by Week is a fabulous labor of love and inspiration to expectant women interested in starting a yoga, breathing, and/or meditation practice of their own. Likewise, it will reinforce the deepening of an advanced yogini’s practice, connecting her more fully to her prenatal experience and preparing the way for her future child.

—Allyson Gracie, Wellness Specialist, Pilates & Yoga Instructor

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