Pregnancy Yoga: First Trimester Poses

Here is a sample sequence of yoga exercises suitable for the first trimester of pregnancy taken from Mel Campbell’s book ‘The Yoga of Pregnancy’ (Findhorn Press 2012).

  1. * Abdominal Breathing
  2. ** Anjaneyasana – Crescent Moon
  3. *** Uttanasana – Standing Forward Fold
  4. ** Vrksasana – Tree Pose
  5. **** Utkata Konasana Flow – The Goddess Flow
  6. ***** Parivrtta Sukhasana – Revolved Easy Twist
  7. Supported Reclining Pose

* If you feel any discomfort in your lower back, or too much of a deep stretch in your abdominal area, practice the first stage only

** Avoid this pose if you have pelvic girdle discomfort

*** If you have any lower back discomfort keep your knees bent (3c)

**** If you have pelvic girdle discomfort take a narrower stance

***** If you have pelvic girdle discomfort practice this pose sitting on your heels with your knees together with a cushion between your sitting bones and heels to bridge any gaps

1b heart opener pose - first trimester

1b heart opener pose – first trimester


1b heart opener pose - first trimester

1b heart opener pose – first trimester


2a anjaneyasana crescent moon - first trimester

2a anjaneyasana crescent moon – first trimester


2b anjaneyasana crescent moon - first trimester

2b anjaneyasana crescent moon – first trimester


3a uttanasana standing forward bend - first trimester

3a uttanasana standing forward bend – first trimester


3b uttanasana standing forward bend - first trimester

3b uttanasana standing forward bend – first trimester


3c uttanasana standing forward bend - first trimester

3c uttanasana standing forward bend – first trimester


3d uttanasana standing forward bend - first trimester

3d uttanasana standing forward bend – first trimester


4a vrksasana tree pose - first trimester

4a vrksasana tree pose – first trimester


4b vrksasana tree pose - first trimester

4b vrksasana tree pose – first trimester


5a utkata konasana the goddess flow - first trimester

5a utkata konasana the goddess flow – first trimester


5b utkata konasana the goddess flow - first trimester

5b utkata konasana the goddess flow – first trimester


5c utkata konasana the goddess flow - first trimester

5c utkata konasana the goddess flow – first trimester


6 parivrtta sukhasana revolved easy twist - first trimester

6 parivrtta sukhasana revolved easy twist – first trimester


7 supported reclining pose - first trimester

7 supported reclining pose – first trimester