Exercises when pregnant: Anjaneyasana – Crescent Moon

Anjaneyasana – Crescent Moon

For this pose I will need a yoga mat and a small cushion.

This exercise when pregnant is suitable for all stages of my pregnancy

Benefits: Anjaneyasana stretches the hips and upper thighs; strengthens the lower back and pelvic muscles; opens the chest; improves circulation and respiration.

Cautions: I will avoid this pose if I have pelvic girdle discomfort.

Modifications: If I have sensitive knees I will place a cushion under my back knee. To help steady myself or if I have high blood pressure I will practice the pose with my hands on my knees and look forward (b).

  • I come into a tabletop position and step my right foot in between my hands. I make room for you by shuffling my right foot over to the right. I look down to check my right knee is stacked directly over my right ankle and aligned with my second and third toes
  • I extend back and out through my left leg
  • I bring my torso upright so it stacks over my pelvis and glance at my hips to ensure that they are facing forward
  • I look down towards my belly and see it rising and falling with my breath
  • On an inhalation I reach my arms up over my head, and exhaling I soften my shoulders away from my ears
  • I softly gaze towards my hands (a)
  • Staying here for five breaths, I mindfully repeat this week’s affirmation:
    My baby’s eyes are open, ready to receive the wonders of the world
  • I repeat the pose to my other side


exercise when pregnant

(a) Gaze at the thumbs

exercise when pregnant

(b) Gaze straight ahead

Adapted from my book The Yoga of Pregnancy